3/18/2024 Challenge: Ocean Waves

Man surfing on waves

Night cafe's challenge today was: Ocean Waves. We had to make exactly what it sounds like we had to make ocean waves.

The prompt I used was "a beautiful ocean with a wave curling and a surfer inside it" This pretty much turned out exactly how I wanted it to.
I have no tips for you it was this simple for once.

Text Prompt: "a beautiful ocean with a wave curling and a surfer inside it"

                                                          Model: Mysterious XL v4

                                                       style: Anime v2

3/10/2024 Challenge: From Busy to Abandoned

A once bustling city now completely abandoned

Night cafe's challenge today was: From Busy to Abandoned. You had to create an image that showed a busy and successful city change to abandoned.
The prompt I put into night cafe was: an old town with abandoned buildings and cars in a post apocalypse setting.
I originally tried to make an image where half of it was a bustling city while the other half was an Abandoned and run down. It did not work, it always gave me only one or the other, never both.

My only tip to avoid this is, don't over think it you can always have aspects of the busy city even after it is abandoned. For me those aspects were the cars and the sky scrapers in the background.

Text Prompt: "an old town with abandoned buildings and cars in a post apocalypse setting"

Model: Mysterious XL v4

style: none