Bobcat Football and Pickle image are under Pixabay Licence.
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Bobcat Football
I made this image by filling in different parts of a non-copyright football and bobcat image. I filled in the different parts of the bobcat head to include the green, then just aligned it with the image of the football.
The football is a significant to what I love, which is American Football and the bobcat is like a big version of a cat, which is kind of cool. (other than a Giant Panda)
The words seemed kind of creative and the image of the pickles was non-copyright as well.
It is one of my favorite foods.
The Yellow Moon
I changed 2 of the images that I had, both the moon and another with a fence and used opacity and blending to blend the fence in instead of a separate worse looking part of the image I got a better blended end image. Otherwise, you would have had a look with a factory where the fence stands that could've ruined the moment.
It's just a beautiful scene, so why not add it to my gallery.
This is just a normal, non-edited picture.
This is an image that shows my home when it's a snow day.
I used a background image of the scenery of a past picture and used the quick selection tool to change out the parts of it that were unwanted in order to make it look more outdoors.
This is my super cute dog who has cow-like colors.
Desert Trees
An image from a friend that I used as a background and just added several small wooden trees that were made by a friend.
I made this, so it adds some plants and someone I know made those, so that's why I used the trees.
Wooden Tree
This was a beautiful gift from a friend, with no editing whatsoever.
Magic Broom
I cropped and rotated the different objects in the image, so I got a look that looked like there was a flying broomstick. I thought that this vacuum broom with the background looked cool and like it has magical powers.
Cat on Flying Blanket
I just used the quick selection tool in order to make the background like the kitten's flying, while keeping the other parts of the image.
It's my cute kitten and it looks as if it's flying on a flying blanket, instead of a carpet.
Gallery 2 Images
I chose these to show people how you can edit images in fantastic ways.